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We operate over 30 different ministries.  They range from our Internet Church, to our new church plant in Pakistan, to our new worshiping community called Common Ground Community Church.   Our philosophy is that everyone is a minister.  See a need, have someone else agree about the need or the hurt, and then go and and bring hope, offer healing!  After the new ministry is started, the group is encouraged to gain the blessing from the session as more people get involved.  A sample snap-shot of some of our ministries are featured here:



Our Youth Center during the school year is open Monday - Friday after school hours until 7/8:00 PM.   Around 5:00 PM dinner is served.   Thanks to the various community organizations that enable us to perform this ministry.


Free Legal Clinic - One of only seven in the state of Ohio, it is a unique partnership with Belmont County Bar Association, South Eastern Ohio Legal Services and GRACE Church.  The clinic is free and operates the second Wednesday in January, March, May, July, September & November beginning at 5:30 PM.   The clinic operates out of Webster Hall at 408 Hanover Street. 


Volunteers run and operate our growing children and youth programming. There are a multitude of opportunities throughout the year, both on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.


Our Internet Church is the brain child of Elder David McFarlan.  He and his wife, Kay, produce every worship celebration live over the Internet.   Multiple cameras, placed strategically throughout the sanctuary, enable worshipers in our Internet Church to feel as though they are in the sanctuary worshiping.  A chat room enables worshipers to talk to one another as well as submit prayer requests.   




Every winter hand knitted hats and gloves, mittens and scarves are hung on clothes lines between the trees in front of our church for anyone to grab and get and stay warm. Donations of support for this ministry come from all across America.   



In January of 2016 we planted a new church in western Pakistan.  It began with 10 people and a translator and a hunger to know Jesus Christ.   By February 2019 there are over 750 people who call GRACE Church of Pakistan their home church!   Despite threats and persecution the church continues to grow.   As a new church plant, we are raising money to purchase Bibles for our growing church.   A Bible, printed in Urdu, costs $6.00 USD and is equal to 2 days working wages in western Pakistan.     There is a great shortage of Bibles and a real need to have them.

The Daily Bread Center

The Daily Bread Center is a community food pantry for the residents of Martins Ferry. The pantry, open 3 times a week, offers food to the hungry.   In our town of less than 7,000 residents, 600 people are fed a month.   Founded by Rev. Webster and two others pastors, the food pantry has been an enormous aid to the residents of our community.  This is a cooperative ministry that is supported by all of the churches in town. 

Mid-week Bible study

A Bible Study is held every Wednesday  at 6:00 PM in the church lounge and is led by Pastor Paul Todd.

pagE Turners book CLub

This book discussion group is open to adults who enjoy reading!  We meet monthly on Zoom.   For more information, call the church office at 740-633-2699.

City Clean up Projects

The church is heavily involved in various clean up projects in town.   Houses, vacant lots, city parks, River View Cemetery and Walnut Grove Cemetery are all projects the church has rallied together and conquered.    There are always new cleaning and repairing projects.   Call the church office to volunteer at our latest site.   

Re-Threads Clothing Store

Re-Threads Clothing is a store that features gently used clothing. Located on the second floor of Webster Hall, 410 Hanover Street.  Managed by a team of volunteers from the church, the store offers clothing for all ages.  Hours and days may vary.   The clothing is all free. 

Cancer Support Group

The Cancer Support Group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in the lounge off of the sanctuary.  It is headed up by cancer survivor Margi Roberts.  For more information, call the church office at 740-633-2699.

Free Coats

During the winter months free coats are available on the clothes rack on 4th Street in front of the office.

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